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Console commands

Console commands

Rejoice ships with useful console features to allow you test quickly your application and other more.

The console application in Rejoice is name smile.


Rejoice provides a very handful devtool to interact with your application. You can access the devtool by running in a console (opened in the project root):

php smile devtool

You can run any valid PHP code inside the devtool and also use the classes of your application.

Running the simulator

You have access to two simulators, one in console, the other as a web interface. You can provide the configuration of the simulator in the .env file:

Web simulator

Run the console simulator by running the command

php smile serve


php smile simulator:web

Console simulator

Run the console simulator by running the command

php smile serve -c console


php smile simulator:console

You can use the shortcut php smile sim:con

Note: You can use shortcuts for any simulator command, provided it does not conflict with any other command.

Create a new menu

Directly in the Menus folder

php smile make:menu MyMenu

Will create the class MyMenu in a newly created app/Menus/MyMenu.php.

In a Menu sub-folder

php smile make:menu FirstFlow/MyMenu

Will create the class MyMenu in a newly created app/Menus/FirstFlow/MyMenu.php. If the sub-folder does not exist, it will be created.

Other console commands

You can retrieve any other console command by running:

php smile list

Help on a command

To read the help of a command, run:

php smile help name_of_the_command