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To install Rejoice and craft your application, you need composer installed on your machine. If you don’t have composer, you can get it here. It will help us manage the dependencies of our application.

Then, create a Rejoice project by running in the console:

composer create-project rejoice/rejoice my-ussd-app

This will create a project in the my-ussd-app directory.

That’s all!

You can go into the new created folder.

The app folder

In the new project folder, you can see an app folder. The app folder is where our code (functions, classes) will reside.

The public folder

The public directory is where our application will run from. It is where the index of our application is. You then need to configure your web server’s root directory to point to this public directory.

The config folder

The configuration files of the application are in the config/ folder.

Some of the configurations, especially the ones related to credentials can be configured from the .env file at the root of the project and referenced in the configuration file using the env() function, so that the are not committed in your version control system.

The default configurations are enough for a first application but feel free to go through the files, especially app.php and menu.php.

The simulator

The USSD application is meant to be used on a phone with the USSD protocol that is handle by a mobile operator. Rejoice provides two simulators that will help us run and test our application before deploying it.

Let’s configure the simulator. We need to set:

  • the application URL,
  • the test phone number,
  • the network MNC of the phone number (optional),
  • the USSD code on which the application will be available (optional).

Open the .env file at the root of the project and search for these lines and replace the values by your custom values (or use the default values provided here).


# The Application URL

# The Simulator parameters

You do not need to enclose string with double-quotes unless it contains special caracters like: #, ! or =. You can notice here we enclose the USSD_CODE in double-quotes, because it contains a # character, which, without quotes, will be parsed as the begining of a comment.

Testing the application

Rejoice provides a very simple way to test your application. You can test the application either in the console or in your browser.

Rejoice comes with a very handful console command called smile. It will help us run the simulators.

Open a console at the root of the project and run:

php smile serve -c console

This should show in the console:

Welcome to Rejoice :)

You can also test the application via the web simulator by running the command:

php smile serve

This will start a development server at http://localhost:8000. Open your browser at that address and click on the dial button of the test phone on the page.

You should get the test phone screen:

Welcome to Rejoice :)

Now that we have seen how our applications will look like, let’s create our first one.