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Sending SMS

This is only available if your SMS endpoint expect a post request with parameters message, sender, recipient. If it does not, you can implement your custom SMS

Simply send SMS

$this->sendSms('Your request is been processed');

This assumes that you have configured the sms endpoint and the default sender name in the .env file or the app config file.


If not, you can directly send SMS like this:

$sms = 'Your request is been processed';
$receiver = $this->tel();
$endpoint = 'https://my-sms-api-endpoint';
$sender = 'MySenderName';

$this->sendSms($sms, $receiver, $sender, $endpoint);

By default, the receiver is the current user of the application, which can be retrieved via the $this->tel() method. If not passed, it is automatically passed by Rejoice.

Send and exit the script

$this->sendSmsAndExit('Your request is been processed');